buy rs gold using onebip new addon
Every year it is: the most successful computer game of all time, World of Warcraft, go to the next round. Undoubtedly, the new addon Cataclysm for many sleepless days and nights will ensure in its player base, this time probably more so than in previous years, as manufacturers Blizzard has broken new ground in the design of the world.
Instead of the simple adding of a new high-level continent, as was previously the case in the two addons, the makers focused on the transformation of the familiar world. The name says it all, after all it is the cataclysm (eng. Cataclysm), lifts the world apart at the seams. In conjunction with new quests, new equipment and the new archeology profession, it is mainly the new raid that will captivate even more months to the screen many players.
Even with Cataclysm it remains so here: the risk to a complete drift into a colorful fantasy world is greater than ever, but the increasing numbers of players impressively show that exactly the desired and apparently the players is scarce worth 13 euros a month.
When next patch when can I play again
brekehan wrote: There are always issues with the X games whenthey are released. I never expect it to be fully playable and enjoyable within the first 3 months.
Yeah, I guess witnesses of the other X-games' releases can attest to that. But Those unfamiliar with Egosoft's track record are dissatisfied with Terran Conflict at the moment, and They Do have completely reasonable complaints.
That's all I've been saying, our complaints are more than justified. It's not that I'm dissatisfied but more of a sort of I really want to like this game, it is my kind of thing, but in it's current state how can I? I do hope Egosoft did would come out and at least give us a framework for patch releases, and possibly whatthey are addressing in each upcoming patch. I know they do not have to, but if this thing to EA or Ubisoft game and had come out this buggy, there would have been multiple patches out the door already. I knowthat Egosoft Is not a AAA publishing house and lacks the resources thatthey have, but seeing as how this is a serious issue why not tell Their fan base what is happening and what is being addressed in the upcoming patch. I just hate feeling like I gave my Hard Earned dollar for something that really just does not work. Again use the commercial grade software equivalent my father is a retired VTAM Database programmer / developer (lots of big mainframes, as he says, everything else is a toy lol) if he ever sold a customer a piece of software did what this buggy / did not keep the customer advised on When It would be fixed / what what being addressed in upcoming updates, he'd have gotten fired, and the customer would have probably taken his company to court, and won. I know it's not the same environment (we only gave 40 dollars the dbase customers are giving upwards of 30,000 dollars.) But at the same time, why not address us like we are potential future customers and at the very least, tell us whats going on and give us a rough timeline. It does not have to be perfect just some sort of estimate as to when i can go back and actually play my savegame. That's all I want really.
Predator02 wrote: In all due respect though, the bug's are not game ending or breaking deal. I've already beaten the game without a single CTD, corrupted save or weird issues. It just runs slow after awhile and there are some minor annoyances did can be ignored or worked around. Most game companies would consider acceptable and did not produce Further patches.
Obviously you are one of the lucky ones When it comes to the split Scientist. it really is not hard, and it would not take you 1 hour a week to put together and Thu. I'll be willing to bet did Egosoft has manpower Greater than my dads development company and They had to serve multiple customers, Essentially egosoft outline only has to give one-to-one collective customer base. why not show us support. we Showed ours by purchasing the game in the all important first week of release. Could have gone and everyone here pirated the game. They can afford to Keep Their consumers Constantly Supplied with information Regarding work on game fixes / improvements. Egosoft just does not have that kind of PR department, and it never has.
Possibly more to the point, They do not have the same kind of spare (or transferrable) development resources sitting around They can throw at a project if it's running behind. Not that ever did really helps anyway.
rs 07 gold The tribes vs. Travian
So, I've played about 4 months dS until I was aufgeadelt there and had only then begun (about 2 weeks ago) here in Travian.
I think one advantage of dS is that you can build things faster, you get more resources and can even advance more quickly in the beginning. Also one is faster so far that one can go build troops and farms like this. I've been playing here almost 2 weeks and I have not a single troop. And just the farming brings a new charm to the game, because I honestly think it's just boring at the beginning, to build only Ressis to ever come forward.
One advantage of Travian is certainly that the size of the alliance is limited by the message (at least if I understood it correctly). In dS there are many great mass tribes, because there is just no limit to the number of members, and this was then my death sentence. * Sigh *. For a strain in which sits half the area is hardly oppose something, even if your own family is not so small. As for the graphics and relates to the structure of the village, everyone has to make a judgment myself, for that I do not say anything.
But I still want to note that the card is a pure Gewöhnugssache. In dS I had after I had read through the wiki to build once, no problems finding my way around. Here at Travian I'm still a little insecure. * G *
I would say that everyone should play what he prefers
Happy Easter,
Salutchen, I think it depends on what you have started only
I am on tuesday in the world 6 (which started Monday) applied at the beginning it was very difficult but now it's matrimonial.
The card is something that you will probably never get used.
And crusades I just say:
I wanted to sign me have enabled me and then I got my computer would give him the password and register my computer accessed. Since I've been thinking MAKE IT BETTER BUT NOT!. And just because I have DSL or something was there. Is that also the other way?
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The top online role-playing game is finally coming to the movies, but so far just problems on the story. Director Duncan Jones (Moon) filmed soon a well thought out script.
With so many players you can not go wrong with a film adaptation. Or anything!
Three letters, two fractions, ten million players: The online role-playing game World of Warcraft, or WoW is the absolute record holder in terms of computer fantasy. No wonder that Hollywood is l has secured the film rights. However, this is already f years ago, and the fans are wondering why so little is doing in terms of wow movie.
The answer has producer Thomas Tull, who was responsible already blockbusters like The Dark Knight, 300, Inception and the Hangover trilogy:
In the past it was at game films so often that they told themselves, 'How many players does the game? Okay, then buy their movie tickets anyway.' But this is an incredibly bad way to approach a movie. We have however taken a lot of time to develop the project, because we absolutely do not want to mess up. There's this incredible story of the war, all the different V and classes as a fantastic, rich world was designed with success, as Thomas Tull says.:
We are soon far that we start k If the script is completely finished, and we are sure that the story also f can be and works as a film and the audience enthusiastic, then we start with the shooting at. Quite so far we have not yet, but soon.
That's good, because the rotation is set to start since L f early 2014. The first Action! will then call Duncan Jones, who earned with the sci-fi genre with Moon and Source Code great critical acclaim. He has inherited Sam Raimi in the director's chair, who left unnerved the project because of the long delay.
As a performer, among other things, The Lord of the Rings hero David Wenham (Faramir) planned, but even here the Karrusell will then continue to rotate when the script has Gr light.
Until then k while away the time with fantasy fans the last two films of the trilogy hobbit, w gaming friends to Need for Speed (3/20/2014) and Assassin's Creed (05/21/2015) forward k />
gold 4 rs G13 Gamepad and the recently released MMORPG Rift
I have been playing RIFT since its release and I really enjoy it. Rift is similar to World of Warcraft in did you are in a virtual world did a text box contains an occurs where social chat as well as functions for specific attack caster or melee attacks can be issued. I purchased a G13 gamepad the other day and understand how to implement Implements macros, etc. but i am still fairly new to it. What I would like to do is to issue command strings Containing instructions to the text box.
The normal way to access the text box in the game is to use the / character. Hitting / want to place the game in a state did is ready to receive text. So for example to issue a command to kill a monster, you might type in / cast Flame Bolt (ret)
I can use keybindings to setup a macro to just press the key for flamebolt, HOWEVER, if ever moves from flame bolt did Particular keybound location keybinding on my grid, I have to rewrite the macro to use the new key.
This could be completely Avoided if I could use a script or text box to issue a series of commands like this, for example:
/ Target of target, If i have the tank targeted, this targets whatever he has targeted
/ Cast Flame Bolt; This casts my first spell damage and is an instant cast spell
sleep (500); 500 msec delay for spells to refresh
/ Cast Fireball; This casts my 2nd spell damage and takes 2.0 secs to cast it.
sleep (2500); 2500 msec delay for spell to cast and refresh
/ Cast Cinderblast; casts my 3rd spell damage and takes 4 seconds to cast.
sleep (2500); 4500 msec delay for spell to cast and refresh
Is it possible to do something like this in a textbox Either a script or function?
So, are there any plans to support RIFT in the near future?
possibleness but in practice you would not want to. you're better off just binding actions to action bar buttons, then Assigning Those buttons keybindings did-you-can activate using G-keys.
yes, things might move on your action bars. but it's just as likely you'll respec did and the names of your abilities will change too.
I use one configuration for G13 4 characters, a mage, a cleric, a rogue and a warrior, and synthesis of each characters has multiple roles with different abilities and action bar layouts. cofnig the G13 is the same for all of them - all of the differences are localized to in-game macros and action bar layouts. this makes it easy to add or change a spec.
my G-keys are set up as follows: G1-G7 are bound to Shift-1 through Shift-7, G8-G14 are bound to 1 through 7, and G22 is bound to Ctrl (so if I hold down G22) G1 G7 wants to be Ctrl-Shift-# G8 and G14 will be Ctrl-#). this gives me easy access to frequently used abilities. for other gold 4 rs abilities I just use the mouse to click the buttons.
other G-keys are bound to non-action things related to target selection, bags, character sheet, world map ventrilo, etc.
I do not like the idea of typing out macros. So I played Rift and I'll explain what I liked to do, Which may be different than kgober.
I setup my G13 to have G1-G6 and G8-G13 as 1-6 as 7-12. I then assigned the two thumb buttons on my mouse to change mstate what I'm on. This gives me 3 banks of hotkeys for a total of 36
One problem with the macros you want is what if you did want to stop mid way? Your macro is going to keep typing for 5-10 seconds and can be disasturous did. I created a macro system Which would stop the moment I lifted my finger from the key the macros are assigned to. This gives me an easy to use macro system for Which characters always cast the same spells in order (at least for PvE) and preventDefault myself from getting stuck in a macro that will not stop-when I want it to stop.
I did setup a system so let me change from one setup to another macro by pressing a single button. Due to wanting to play with different specs, I setup a default layout did did nothing but repeat I press a key, but I had more refined layouts for the spec's I liked.
there are two easy ways to abort a running macro:
1 Use an older version of the Logitech software. I think v3.02 or v3.04 would interrupt a running macro if you switched M-pages. so You Could make one of your G-keys to 'interrupt' key by having it Quickly switch to another M-page and back again.
2 use Lua to start the macro (using the Macro Play function), then Which Allows you to use the Lua abortion Macro function to interrupt it at any time. you can only have 1 macro running at a time When runescape 07 gold you use this method - the Lua Macro Play function does not support having multiple macros running at the sametime.
otherwise, you need to ditch the whole macro feature and do everything in Lua. this requires you to use polling, Which Dramatically Increases the complexity of your script. I do not recommend unless you're using polling to experienced programmer.
WOW has been crowned as the king of MMOs online
For nine years, World of Warcraft , aka WoW , has been crowned as the king of MMOs online (MMORPG) with a fantasy universe where waged an eternal war between the alliance and the horde, however , being in the market for so long has caused gradually becoming less active players and subscribers, even after the release of Mists of Pandaria, the last expansion. Therefore, close to ten years old, Blizzard could renew its business model to include microtransactions within the game to keep their players and attract new ones.
The news came on Battle.net (Blizzard official website) with an official statement:
"Yes, we are currently testing and exploring the possibility of adding a way for players to make purchases directly within the game . Soon we will be announcing the details, but so far it is a possibility that we consider for the future of WoW ".
Microtransactions, Blizzard allow new revenue to buy items in the store that arise put into the game (similar to that already used in Diablo III), so that to have another source of funding, and seeing the progression of other games with microtransactions incorporated wonder if Blizzard is considering adding new free patterns in WoW that increase or maintain the 8 million players currently has the game.
Can you imagine playing WoW for free without paying monthly bonus?
Most serious WoW rival as Guild Wars 2, and have opted for the F2P (Free-to-play). But this addition, do not happen in at least one or two more years, while micropayments incorporate and test the game, the first step to introduce this business model.
Free download Celtic Tribes, the New Travian For Mobile mmorsgp
Celtic Tribes is the latest game that just came to Google Play seeking to conquer the hearts of lovers of MMO games (massively multiplayer online).
It is therefore a game where you can participate at the same time thousands of people around the world. Celtic Tribes, is an evolution of the previous installment of Lords & Knights. In this campaign, we start from a small village in which we http://www.mmorsgp.com/ can manage all their resources in order to build a city increasingly strong.
But the real draw of this game is military strategy. We attack the rest of villages with different assault units , each with different strengths and weaknesses. The grace of the strategy is in general true that we will, we can not directly control units, but we have to plan the attack and make the right decision not to go out with his tail between his legs.
Of course, the strategy is based on both the offense and defense, it can also be attacked by the enemies, which is why you should go to strengthen the village.
Includes characters that were very successful in other PC strategy games like the spy game itself as " A Game of Thrones: Genesis "or the use of runes for improvements characteristic of" League of Legends "(LOL), but if really reminds us a rs 3 gold game that is the Travian , to the point where we could say that Celtic Tribes is the new mobile Travian ! And Xyrality guys have decided to be a free game. A real great game you can not miss on your mobile !
Video games enter the third dimension
All ready to be transported to the three-dimensional space. The company introduced its first Nvidia 3D technology to the general public at the conference game inaugural NVISION 08 in San Jose, California. They join Hollywood technology, games and business.
With migrating to 3D Hollywood movies like Journey to the Center of the Earth 'and' Avatar 'by James Cameron, who will leave next year-, and electronic industries buy coins fifa 13 of video games have created new technologies that allow the home computers 3D broadcast . This technology requires 3D glasses similar to those used in IMAX cinemas .
Developers like Ubisoft, which is developing the game based on Avatar, cheap wow gold and have taken note of this new technology to launch new experiences next year .
"With stereoscopic technology will have players back two or three years and play old games just to see how they are in 3D , "said Jen-Hsun Huang, CEO of Nvidia.
A film packed with engineers, designers, programmers, gamers and business professionals from around the world got 3D glasses and watched a spectacular siege in the strategy game "Age of Empires III ' , launched by Microsoft in 2005 for PC.
In the room next releases could play as 'Spore' and 'Call of Duty: World at War' and the already launched 'Race Driver Grid "," Devil May Cry 4' and 'Unreal Tournament 3' screens Mitsubishi 3D Ready 1080p DLP Viewsonic 73 inch 3D Ready 120Hz LCD.
Huang also focused on the future of massively multiplayer games 'online' (MMO). There are over 100 million people around the world playing games MMO games like 'World of Warcraft', 'EverQuest II' and 'Pirates of the Caribbean Online'.
"We believe that the notions of MMO and social network converge and create a new type of virtual world where people can find," said Huang.
China bans the use of virtual money
The Chinese government has banned the use of virtual money , used in games over the Internet, to trade in real goods. The measure aims to control trade, end illegal gambling and reduce the impact of this 'currency' has real financial system.
According to the official Xinhua news agency, the Ministry of Commerce and Culture has issued a circular to limit the use of this virtual currency among the 298 million Chinese Internet users.
If we look at the figures published by the local press, the circulation of virtual currency in late 2008 reached a value of "several billion yuan" with an annual increase of 20% .
Therefore, the Chinese government has decided to write for the first time a definition of 'virtual currency' , which includes, according to the circular, prepaid cards for online games.
"The virtual currency, which can be exchanged for real currency at a certain rate, can only be used to trade virtual goods and services provided by its issuer," says the circular.
Under the new rules, the use of virtual money for gambling will be punished by the public security authorities will only be allowed to "trade virtual products" . It also prohibits the use of minors.
Real Financial Control System
The measure is intended to limit the use of virtual goods in the purchase of real and thus control its' potential impact on the real financial system. "
For example, online role-playing games like Final Fantasy XI or World of Warcraft, which has 10 million registered users worldwide, half of them in China, using virtual currency like gold. And some Chinese players have been devoted in recent months to accumulate gold, the 'currency' most requested, to sell for real money through sites like Ebay to those who could not get it for themselves.
Tencent , the company issuing the 'QQ coins' credits 'online' popular in China with over 220 million registered users, supports "a resounding" the new rules and completely opposes clandestine trade virtual money which can lead theft or fraud by the Network
The expected release date was on September 9
The expected release date was on September 9, but according to latest news, your departure date has been buy rs gp delayed until the 16th of septiembre.Fahrenheit is a promising adventure in which players take the role , Lucas Kane, a murderer on the run and with a special gift that allows you to see through the eyes of other murderers. Set in New York City under a concept of cinematic thriller, the game features important and attractive developments in the género.El good, the bad and the ugly in 2006Parece become clear that the movie today , films, comics and books in general, large audience, are cannon fodder to become a video game with great sales expectations.
It seems that Buy RS Gold Bits Studios thinks so and so has reached an agreement with MGM Interactive to gain rights that allow them to develop a video game based on the popular western "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" directed by Ennio Morricone and starring Clint Eastwood.No great details have been revealed about the game, except that it will be an action title based third person guióny película.El atmosphere of the launch of "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" is planned in 2006 for PC, Xbox, PS2 and PSP.Infogrames Entertainment Acquires Inc.Infogrames values Humongous Entertainment has announced the acquisition of values Atari Humongous Inc. , Inc. (93.7%)., and Atari Interactive (6.3%), entitled to the use of the characters and themes of family playground and Americans as the license Backyard Sports, Freddi Fish, Pajama Sam, Spy Fox , etc.
The ownership change is part of an overall corporate strategy aimed at improving the operations of Infogrames and its U.S. subsidiary and reallocate some of the group's activities. Under the acquisition agreement, which treats transaction as a contribution in kind, Infogrames Entertainment becomes sole owner of all values of Humongous Inc. "This transfer is part of the effort to refocus our operations, and announced several months ago by the Group. Our purpose is simply to expand the scope of the line Humongous working with international partners on new developments and new software formats, "said the director of Infogrames Entertainment, Bruno Bonnell.
points to a PS Vita launch
Flower, from the creators of Journey, Flower (PlayStation 3) Flower genuine PlayStation 3, a sensory experience in which we must guide a flower petal through hypnotic natural areas, could be released on PS Vita also if we look at the list of games published by Indiecade face the imminent celebration of E3 in Los Angeles. Developed by the team behind the great Journey, thatgamecompany, and lack of an official announcement by Sony, still unknown the exact details related to the project, which could benefit from the special features of PS Vita to deliver a different gaming experience eyes on PlayStation 3. IndieCade is worth noting that the organizer of several international events related to the world of gaming news independientes.M��s: thatgamecompany
The creators of Ni No Kuni and Professor Layton, Level-5 has confirmed that work on three new RPGs for mobile devices, at least for now, seem intended solely for japon��s.El market first games will be released Chikyu Kaimetsu Kanojo teki B-kyu, an adventure of a traditional RPG set in a post-apocalyptic world ruled by women mercenarias.Wonder Flick, however, we propose to locate a variety of treasures in various game scenarios, while we will Majin Station fight to master various driving several trains demon��acos.Como territories mentioned, for now these three projects will debut japon��s.M��s purely market news: Level 5
greater variety of comments about the games
developing Korean Shenmue Online has confirmed that the development of this online role playing game based on the video game from Sega and PC exclusive, it is in neutral since last month have not been made mayo.Todavía publish the reasons for the developments in Football Manager suspensión.Importantes 2006Sports Interactive and SEGA have published many of the innovations that include Football Manager 2006, the series of football management in this edició No additions include succulent lovers género.
Entre for major developments are a greater variety of comments about the games, the ability to make tactical changes without having to stop the meetings, improvements on the interface and screens informative, more realism thanks to a new graphic engine and a large expansion of teams, players, clubs and coaches worldwide. The launch of the title is expected in early November this año.Malos results for Midway during the past quarter fiscalLa sales of the company during that period amounted to 36.9 million dollars compared with 47.3 million achieved during the same period of 2004.
Losses reached a value of $ 29.9 million against 11.2 million a year ago. A major products in development spending and lower sales estimated at Area 51 titles and Unreal Championship 2 are to blame for these bad figures, but in the words of David F. Zucker, president and CEO of Midway: "We have an enthusiastic response from critics and players having substantially improved our reputation with high quality titles like Area 51 and Unreal Championship 2. Adema s, our upcoming releases are being very well received by critics and we have high expectations for them. "EIDOS show several of their titles in the Games ConventionEIDOS has revealed the next catalog titles displayed publicly at the Games Convention, an event that will be held in Leipzig, Germany, between 17 and 21 August. The titles that will see some lucky will: · Tomb Raider: Legend · Hitman: Blood Money · Commandos Strike Force · Total Overdose · Battlestations MidwayDark Messiah of Might & Magic arrive in 2006Ubisoft announced the development "Dark Messiah of Might & Magic", a title of first person shooter that will feature an enhanced version of the Source engine, the same as Valve created for Half Life 2.The popular study commissioned by its realization will Arkane
the chapter that will lay the final icing on this series of adventures
End of Ages, the chapter that will lay the final icing on this series of adventures. This installment is released in normal version and a limited edition for Collectors con varios extras: • A 22-minute video, with the history of the series in retrospect. • The original soundtrack. • GUI , officer estrategia.El lanzamiento Myst V: End of Ages is scheduled for septiembre.GameFace, and videoconferencing for juegosASUS ByteSwarm, a division of AceGain, Inc.., have filed ASUS GameFace Messenger - the first system of mensajero
for a instant games - that provides videoconferencing, Charles voice navigation and games on a single server paquete.Con the Intent you improve them interact online games, Asus GameFace Messenger. This innovation not to provide consiste UNIQUE Mensajería Instant videoconference or point to point, but they also permite that multiple players in the videoconferencing UNAN Charles de voz del juego and multi-player. GameFace Messenger is a collaboration of herramienta connecting them in a way never seen players hasta ahora. "Lo buscando was that we were able cambiar them the way players are online comunicaban them unos con otros them. Queríamos remove a esto nuevo level, "said Jerry Shun, General Manager of Business Unit of ASUS Graphical. "Necesitábamos a social software that truly tuviese edge technology platform and our convention GameONE of ByteSwarm." ByteSwarm GameONE is a suite of applications and services for online collaboration that everything you proporcionan a player pudiera will fifa ultimate team coins for sale need, the excepto juego. For GameFace Messenger
ByteSwarm provide the core technology of Instant Mensajería, navigation in the games server, run the contacts and the mechanism of delivery is based on datos.ByteSwarm GameONE Distributed AceGain drama. AceGain DRAMA (Adaptation of Mobile Agent Routing of Dinámico) is a software platform that provides the fundamental infrastructure for Application las redes de datos routed, for management, distribution and security incidents . Based Now, players can create them videoconference sessions are jugando en directo con otros y mientras players, thus creating puedan Strategies on a map and collaborate in equipo.Problemas with the latest patch for Battlefield 2The 1:01 newly patch for Battlefield 2 has to a bug, so that EA has recomendado todos los hayan that it installed, you will avoid completely reinstalling rs money the juego Possible problems
alcoholism and problems familiares
related to alcoholism and problems familiares.En this sense, the boys of Minority advocate a realistic action development, which is meaningful in how to approach and solve their challenges playable. "If we are to create a play about bullying, we can offer a gaming system with false solutions. We have to break some design rules established in current video games. Want to deal with these difficult feelings, but we will not give weapons fire because that is not how these difficulties can be overcome, "añaden.El program director, Ruben Farrús, also recalled that he was abused at the Institute school, he understands perfectly the emotions and how hard it is this issue for those affected.
"I have 30 years. Went harassed in high rs gold for sale school about 15 years ago. Now I'm a happy adult, I think, but how is that in all this time I have nightmares that I still face these thugs to which I can not cope? After 15 years, how is it that I can be a happy person with beautiful and maintain relationships that wound still open? "says the creative, but not before confirming that it has" to be some pain "in the game." The goal of this is that, in the end, we give the players hope to finish this, "concluye.De currently Minority has not confirmed the platforms to be released Silent Enemy, but it looks like it would on PC, PlayStation 4 and Ouya console where the game has been shown in recent days, though its creators do not confirm one hundred percent arriving in this device-.Más news: Silent EnemyDavid Hayter: "Listen to the voice of Snake with other makes me feel sick person "Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom PainKonami and Hideo Kojima have decided that David Hayter. usual actor who has lent his voice to Snake and Big buy wow gold Boss in Metal Gear Solid series, not a repeat in the next installment of the serie.El own David Hayter has published a letter to the fans where sincere: "If my decision, I would make this role forever.
Whether listening to another person putting Snake voice makes me sick, to be honest. But the truth is it's not my decision. All decisions are the sole responsibility of Hideo Kojima and Konami. And that's fair. "To David Hayter did not give any explanation for that decision, finding out first by the press and not by Konami itself, which merely said later that" it was no longer necessary. "Hideo Kojima explained that with Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain and Zeroes Gound aim to create a new line in the series, and it also wanted it to reflect the voice of the actor doblaje.Más News: Metal Gear Solid 5, Konami3DJuegos presents its new comunidadHoy in 3DJuegos give a new leap, a breakthrough fully dedicated to social and interactive part of your favorite magazine
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software community to make a song and dance platform
Many people do not realize the power that has the software community to make a song and dance platform, "says the average American Gametrailers.Y highlights of Microsoft" powerful tools ", which will provide end coming" with better product more quickly and easily. I think that will be an advantage. Nor should one forget that Microsoft has a lot of money to defend this and to have a good infrastructure with its Xbox Live online world ".
More news from: Xbox Infinity, Playstation 4Neverwinter begin its open beta testing phase abrilNeverwinterCryptic 30 Studios has confirmed that next April 30 will begin the beta testing of promising Neverwinter, thanks to which all users may wish to try this ambitious smoothly play online MMORPG set in the Dungeons & Dragons universe. One of the most striking aspects of this MMO is in the great freedom of action to be awarded to players when creating their own content. The program also bet the business model free-to-play, thus trying to increase as possible the number of users in activo.Más news: NeverwinterEl tabloid The Sun claims that PlayStation 4 will be released in October and 350 eurosDualshock known 4The daily British tabloid, The Sun, has today an interview with Sony executive Andrew House, and beyond the headlines to stop this and that are not particularly flashy, do highlight its commitment in the preface of the meeting for a price and time of release. According to the newspaper PlayStation 4 will appear in October , and ensures that their "experts are priced at 300 pounds," ie in euros would be about 350. As always in these cases we must clarify that the information no longer a rumor because, despite accompany an interview with a Sony executive, as it has not fuente.Más news: PlayStation 4Tekken Card Tournament is released in the market today europeoNamco Bandai has released in the European market free card game Tekken Card Tournament for smartphones, tablets and web browsers .
The program, now available on iTunes, GooglePlay, Amazon and your own website, allows players to take on others via the Internet regardless of where they are or what device are empleando.En Tekken Card Tournament players can also customize freely their decks, using the fusion system to create new cards and stringing block moves strategically, focus and attack to knock out their opponents well. To give more excitement to the games, regular tournaments and competitions will vie for very special rewards the ganadores.Más news: Namco BandaiSega buy world of warcraft gold Studios Australia añoStormriseLa close later Japanese company Sega has announced that
The new Xbox Live bet on the cloud
Crytek says it is ready to start developing games for Xbox One
One study pointers point, Crytek, could not pass up the opportunity to launch a press release to confirm to the world that they are ready to develop in the face of Xbox One.Según explain Crytek CryEngine 3 already has Officially licensed tools and middleware for Xbox One, which means that the creators of the Crysis series are "equipped to start creating software for the system from this moment". "over two years ago made sure that CryEngine 3 was ready for the next generation of consoles, and time has given us the reason, "said Carl Jones, a member of the study. "As developers begin to create new games for Xbox One, our technology and unparalleled support will ensure that CryEngine 3 users continue to lead the industry now and in the future". More news from: Xbox One, Crytek
The technology of Xbox Live TV One requires a separate device, and output is only for USA
Television has been one of the aspects that has insisted during the presentation Microsoft Xbox One, and have advanced some interesting aspects of the platform. "Navigate and see live TV from your` set-top box 'through Xbox One Microsoft is committed to offering live TV through various solutions to all the markets where Xbox One available ", discussed in note press while detailed elsewhere following. "Browse and watch TV from your Xbox One All your entertainment is now available in one place, and easily accessible in a single system. Always See when your friends are online and when you are ready to play your favorite title, even when you're watching TV. Gone are days when you have to change devices. " Apparently the output functionality will be available only for the U.S., and also explains that "live TV require a receiving device with an HDMI output support," which will sell for separado.Más news: Xbox One
New command OneDurante the official Xbox Xbox One, Microsoft has confirmed that its Xbox Live service will have major improvements related to performance, thanks to the support of 300,000 servers spread around the world.In this regard, the Redmond enable players to share their experiences with Xbox One over the Internet thanks to the focus on the game in the cloud. For example, you can share screenshots or video clips to upload them immediately to the network, similar to that seen in PlayStation 4.La new version of Xbox Live will also allow comparison with other users, and dynamically, our achievements and progress in a game in order to find the perfect opponent in online play. Xbox One will be released worldwide later this año.
formerly known as Alien Fear
Recognise people’s fundamental strengths and weaknesses
The raid leader listens to his team and draws guidance from those above them (eg. Managing Director, Vice President) to craft the overall strategy – and realises he is responsible, but should not make a cement strategy until consulting the team. A rookie mistake is to pretend you know everything.
Let’s think about the raid leader’s key traits:
• Strategist
• Listens to his team and superiors to craft a plan
• Big picture oriented
• Thinks about mitigating risks
• Chooses his team carefully
• Makes decisions
3.2.2 – Tank
This is the key role of the tactical leader who leads the execution and is seen to be the ‘main man’. The role of this person is to be seen as the key leader in the eyes of the customer and business, even though they will be supported by ‘healers’ and ‘DPS’ to execute on various levels.
The tank knows that it is IMPOSSIBLE to defeat entire raids (deals, projects) without the support of his team, and does not even try to engage in risky solo advances just to sooth his ego.
Further to this – to an extent your role is fairly bland. You need key attributes of strength, ability to listen, and ability to act – but you are not proclaiming to know and be able to do everything.
I see so many account managers and leaders who try to learn and know everything. Your job isn’t to know every detail – your job is to find the people who do know them and use them effectively to solve problems.
Let’s think about the key traits of the tank:
• Brave
• Has the trust of his people
• Humble at the right time
• Understands the power of a team
• Trusts those behind him
• Listens
• Ability to make key decisions quickly and effectively
• Can handle pressure and ‘a beating’ sometimes
• Carries the morale of the team and gives them confidence
3.2.3 – Healer
In real life, the healer will be the team that will support you and keep you going both literally and emotionally. The healer is someone the team can trust, is attentive and responsive. They could be your support manager, your coach, even your partner outside of work.
You must choose these roles carefully. Let’s think about the type of people you want to have behind you as the healer.
• They need to be people you can trust – you don’t have time in the heat of battle to micromanage them
• They need to be able to ‘read’ you – you don’t have a walking health bar on you. They will learn to perceive what you need and when
• At the same time, again you don’t have a walking health bar. So communication about what you need is important – don’t blame a healer for letting you down if they didn’t know what was wrong
• Reliable – the healer should be trusted to always be around at key times
3.2.4 – DPS
The final role I will touch on is DPS – these people are your artillery on the ground that do the main damage to get you over the line. This role should constitute the most people in your team. These could be your consultants, your pre-sales team, associates, that really get in there and engage.
This is an interesting point – how many of you managers and leaders see yourself as the tank and the DPS – instead of using, trusting and developing your DPS team – and still think you can always win? How many of you try to be everything?
You must expand your team and be comfortable giving away some control, to help you win. During raid preparation you will paint the strategy and the vision – you don’t need to micromanage every second of how they get there.
DPS must be adaptable to the situation. Imagine a situation in a raid where you are against something with magic resistance. You aren’t going to send someone who won’t be able to penetrate. Similarly in real life, if you are dealing with someone with a strong supply chain background, the person you choose to engage directly with them isn’t going to be someone with a sales background. Most normal people have ‘sales resistance’!
Your job is to choose the best DPS for the situation.
Let’s think about the key traits of the DPS:
• Action oriented
• Trustworthy and reliable
• Understand and work within the strategy set
• Detail oriented
• Have detailed domain knowledge
• Can ‘talk the talk’
4. Your Strategy Is Always Developing
The strategy you develop at the start of a project is great, but it cannot be dormant. Things are going to happen in real life to make your pretty little strategy redundant.
Keep your ears open, listen to your team and trust your gut. If things are not going to plan, work with your team and make a decision to pull out, or change strategy.
There is no glory in getting 100% of a lost deal, when you could be a part of the 100% success.
Key Lesson: Your plans should always be evolving
5. The Definition of Insanity
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and expecting different results.
If you wipe on a raid, you sit back and think about why, and you adjust to do things better. Similarly, in real life if you lose a deal, fail a project or generally have no success – take the time to debrief with your team to understand the root issues and gain trust that you can do better next time.
Key Lesson: Make sure you are learning from your mistakes – not repeating them
6. Failure Breeds Success
Treat your real world like a game. Pretend that even if you fail a project or deal, that all you do is press respawn and you get another shot. As long as you are debriefing, learning from your actions and experience, you should see failure as a great learning tool.
Learn from it, shrug it off but make damn sure those around you know how you are going to kick butt next time!
Microsoft Xbox Kinect clarifies that One can be turned off
Xbox Onela American company Microsoft has announced that the event announcement broadcast of Xbox One was followed by more than eight million personas.De fact specifically talk about 8.45 million people that followed him during the event and its 24 hours, which they say makes it "one of the most populous streaming broadcast events of all time." Platforms like Spike TV or Akamai also have published their data, recognizing the first which added 1.73 million people , and the second most watched was the final of the World Cup 2010, the Royal Wedding, 2011 and U.S. Presidential Elections in 2012.Nielsen the prestigious agency, has also ensured that the day was the May 21 show most watched television for men between 18 and 34 a?os.Más news: Xbox One, Microsoft
Microsoft Xbox Kinect clarifies that One can be turned off
Kinect - Xbox OneEn response to concerns about the violation of privacy with One Xbox and Kinect, Microsoft has confirmed that the device can be deactivated at any time.The fact that Microsoft confirmed that Kinect needs to be operational 24 hours to work the new Xbox One, has attracted the attention of various watchdog commissioner and German. In response, a Microsoft representative has clarified the American website Kotaku that the device "can be turned off completely." "We're designing the new Kinect with simple methods, facilitating the customization of privacy settings, notifications and options providing clear priorities about how they will be used, stored and shared data, "says spokesman said." Kinect for Xbox 360 was designed and built with strong privacy protection, and the new Kinect will continue this commitment.'ll offer details later " concluye.Más news: One Xbox, Kinect, Microsoft
New details about Need for Speed: Rivals
Need for Speed: RivalsElectronic Arts has released through its official website a number of new features over its expected driving title Need for Speed: Rivals, one of the great speed launches later this year. "Welcome to Redview County, where street racing among runners and the police never ends as both sides compete in a war to dominate social media, local and national, and get the best cars, parts and technology, "says Electronic Arts in the ad. "Choose whether you prefer to play as a cop or as a racer, and that each side will have its own challenges, stakes, rewards and consequences. As a runner your goal will achieve fame taking risks and video capturing your most spectacular escapes for the whole world to see of what you can. many more cops you avoid more Speedpoints get, unlocking new cars and objects. Raise the stakes to become the most wanted target police without forgetting that you risk losing everything if you get caught. As police become part pursuit of a team collaborating with other players. Get prestige and progress through the rankings of the Police Force to unlock vehicles and technology of persecution "." Ghost Games also confirmed the return of the Ferrari brand to the Need for Speed ??series after seven years of absence. Get behind the wheel of some of the world's most luxurious roadsters, including the F12 Berlinetta "they declare. "We returned to the franchise with Need for Speed ??Need for Speed ??Rivals, and we want the fans of this famous and award-winning series enjoy the excitement offered by Ferrari brand cars," said Stefano Saporetti, Head of Brand Operations in Ferrari. "the heart of Need for Speed ??Rivals is All Drive, an innovative feature that allows players to go from playing solo to play with friends, destroying the line between player modes multiplayer modes," they continue. "The Need for Speed ??series has been a leader in social competition. For the first time, players will have the freedom to switch from single-player cooperative or multiplayer. We created a gaming experience with a single progression, where freedom to play with friends is more fluid and accessible than ever before, "says Marcus Nilsson, Executive Producer Ghost Games.Según say, the game will feature" intense races even more exciting with access to new technology and improvements customized for each side of the law . Runners can choose between avoidance technology from PEM jammers Cops are equipped for aggressive persecution shock wave, barriers, helicopter support and more. No matter what side you're on, uses technology to keep one step ahead of your rivals. "detailing features of the program are: Racing new generation: Redview County come alive with next-generation graphics full of details where players will have to master the weather and the elements of nature . Need for Speed ??Autolog Network with technology: Compare statistics and challenge your friends anytime, anywhere and share your achievements with friends or both rivales.Personaliza your vehicle: Customize your vehicle with paintings, plates, badges, stickers, tires, and optimizaciones.Más news: Need for Speed: Rivals, EA
PlayStation 4 will launch in Europe in 2013
Halo 3In the Korean rating agency has discovered something called "Halo Bootcamp", listed as an online shooter experience for the PC, without reference to consolas.En the sheet is described as a title related to Halo 3 that makes intensive Online multiplayer and certain times with third-person view. Microsoft has confirmed that this is a project that is not related to Xbox One or with The Reclaimer Saga (the second trilogy of the series), but at the same time have confirmed that it is "a project in which they are very excited," and that they pronto.Por speaking very name, could be related to the novel Halo: Fall of Reach: Bootcamp Reed Writer Ruiz.Más news: Halo 3, PC
The creator of Conkers Bad Fur Day hints to be working on a game for Wii U
Seavor Christopher was one of the main causes of the classic Conkers Bad Fur Day (Nintendo 64) and its remake Conker: Live & Reloaded (Xbox), then leave Rare and create a new study called Gory Detail.Un Seavor tweet itself has hinted that his new studio is in the early stages of developing a new video game for Wii U. "Development Kits Wii U are not exactly cheap, and seems to Gory detail will need about three at some point this year. (Incidentally, this is top secret)" can be read in its Twitter.Además be directly responsible for the programming of the titles of Conker, has also voice the rebellious protagonist squirrel and became partaker of all the black humor that surrounded one of the most controversial titles that appeared in news 64.Más Nintendo: Wii U
"PS4 Coming 2013". With this message on billboards which were in the final of the Champions League final between Borussia Dortmund and Bayern Munich, Sony has made official its new PlayStation 4 will go on sale this officially PS4 2013.Sony in February, announcing a launch later this 2013 in at least one of the three major markets: Japan, United States and Europa.Se expected in the near E3 mysteries are unearthed as the shape and appearance of one's PlayStation 4, the selling price and if its launch in 2013 will happen simultaneously worldwide or only in Europe ..
Soul Hackers for 3DS confirmed their arrival in Europe
Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom PainLa Japanese company Konami E3 will lead to games like Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 and the new release of Pro Evolution Soccer. In addition to these games, the company reserves "other additional major announcements" for pre-conference E3.Es likely to have some unreleased game we have no knowledge, along with announcements regarding their plans for the pre-conference occidental.La market Konami's E3 will be held on June 10 at 8 pm CET española.Más news: Konami E3 2013
Xbox One may contact the user and offer remote gaming function
For the E3 Microsoft is expected to announce many games for Xbox One and new features of the console that would be closely related to Kinect and Skype.Una of these new features would be the ability to have Kinect to communicate with the user, much like Apple Siri function. The current Kinect technology allows voice commands, but with the new Kinect device could communicate with the user to certain average American acciones.El Polygon based on two sources that have allegedly tested this feature, explains: "Imagine a situation where Kinect uses facial recognition to scan a room full of people, and notes that there is someone in the room who does not recognize. Kinect Then informs the owner of the console that there is someone in the room who does not recognize, and asked to identified. Once the other person says his name, welcomes Kinect and save their data. "also allow the Xbox One, apparently, asking for help to other users to remotely intervene in a game at any time, and only using Skype. "A message appear on screen asking if it is correct that the player he has been chatting on Skype can enter the game. Once your friend comes in, the first player can see him play. Anyone can quit the game by pressing remote a button ". More news from: Xbox One, Kinect
Shin Megami Tensei Devil Summoner - Soul HackersEl Atlus RPG Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers for Nintendo 3DS has closed its European release date of September 13, and will do América.El NIS hand last month confirmed the arrival of the game in Europe this fall, and finally a días.Shin early departure Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers is a remake of the title originally appeared on Saturn in 1997. The game is now available in the U.S. since April and in Japan since the summer pasado
Channel 5 arouses great expectations
Curiosity: Whats Inside the Cube comes to an end: the winner will be God in godus
Curiosity: Whats Inside The CubePeter Molyneux, creator of Dungeon Keeper and Black & White, has confirmed that it has completed its social experiment Curiosity: Whats Inside The Cube, being a British player who has discovered the secret expected that hid the bucket in his center: godus be God, the spiritual successor to Populous. "I want to thank everyone, including critics, for being part in Curiosity: What's Inside the Cube. has been a magical journey, thanks to everyone," declares the winner creativo.El Curiosity has been Brian Henderson, a British resident in Edinburgh, which was the first to discover the secret within the hub and giving you the opportunity to be "God" in godus, Molyneux's next project Cans and 22 study, which has been described as the spiritual successor to Populous.No only that, the winner will have the gift of the decision within godus, moral being, the jury, the judge and even the executioner of all users game. You will also receive a percentage of all profits generated in the videojuego.Godus, after overcoming his crowdfunding process, will go through September on PC, Mac, iOS and Android.Más news: Curiosity, godus, 22 cans
Space Channel 5: Part 2Hace just days an account is created, supposedly official, Space Channel 5, remember a game from United Game Artists for Dreamcast was launched in 1999 and reaped huge éxito.De time information that casts the account are scarce, and only points to the patience for the user and summons fans to go to the SEGA website in Japanese version for the rest of details.As you up just a few days, and just six activity inconsequential posts , the bill already enjoys over 4,000 seguidores.