
When next patch when can I play again

When next patch when can I play again

brekehan wrote: There are always issues with the X games whenthey are released. I never expect it to be fully playable and enjoyable within the first 3 months.

Yeah, I guess witnesses of the other X-games' releases can attest to that. But Those unfamiliar with Egosoft's track record are dissatisfied with Terran Conflict at the moment, and They Do have completely reasonable complaints.

That's all I've been saying, our complaints are more than justified. It's not that I'm dissatisfied but more of a sort of I really want to like this game, it is my kind of thing, but in it's current state how can I? I do hope Egosoft did would come out and at least give us a framework for patch releases, and possibly whatthey are addressing in each upcoming patch. I know they do not have to, but if this thing to EA or Ubisoft game and had come out this buggy, there would have been multiple patches out the door already. I knowthat Egosoft Is not a AAA publishing house and lacks the resources thatthey have, but seeing as how this is a serious issue why not tell Their fan base what is happening and what is being addressed in the upcoming patch. I just hate feeling like I gave my Hard Earned dollar for something that really just does not work. Again use the commercial grade software equivalent my father is a retired VTAM Database programmer / developer (lots of big mainframes, as he says, everything else is a toy lol) if he ever sold a customer a piece of software did what this buggy / did not keep the customer advised on When It would be fixed / what what being addressed in upcoming updates, he'd have gotten fired, and the customer would have probably taken his company to court, and won. I know it's not the same environment (we only gave 40 dollars the dbase customers are giving upwards of 30,000 dollars.) But at the same time, why not address us like we are potential future customers and at the very least, tell us whats going on and give us a rough timeline. It does not have to be perfect just some sort of estimate as to when i can go back and actually play my savegame. That's all I want really.

Predator02 wrote: In all due respect though, the bug's are not game ending or breaking deal. I've already beaten the game without a single CTD, corrupted save or weird issues. It just runs slow after awhile and there are some minor annoyances did can be ignored or worked around. Most game companies would consider acceptable and did not produce Further patches.

Obviously you are one of the lucky ones When it comes to the split Scientist. it really is not hard, and it would not take you 1 hour a week to put together and Thu. I'll be willing to bet did Egosoft has manpower Greater than my dads development company and They had to serve multiple customers, Essentially egosoft outline only has to give one-to-one collective customer base. why not show us support. we Showed ours by purchasing the game in the all important first week of release. Could have gone and everyone here pirated the game. They can afford to Keep Their consumers Constantly Supplied with information Regarding work on game fixes / improvements. Egosoft just does not have that kind of PR department, and it never has.

Possibly more to the point, They do not have the same kind of spare (or transferrable) development resources sitting around They can throw at a project if it's running behind. Not that ever did really helps anyway.

