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World of Warcraft new addon

Every year it is: the most successful computer game of all time, World of Warcraft, go to the next round. Undoubtedly, the new addon Cataclysm for many sleepless days and nights will ensure in its player base, this time probably more so than in previous years, as manufacturers Blizzard has broken new ground in the design of the world.

Instead of the simple adding of a new high-level continent, as was previously the case in the two addons, the makers focused on the transformation of the familiar world. The name says it all, after all it is the cataclysm (eng. Cataclysm), lifts the world apart at the seams. In conjunction with new quests, new equipment and the new archeology profession, it is mainly the new raid that will captivate even more months to the screen many players.

Even with Cataclysm it remains so here: the risk to a complete drift into a colorful fantasy world is greater than ever, but the increasing numbers of players impressively show that exactly the desired and apparently the players is scarce worth 13 euros a month.

