
formerly known as Alien Fear

distributed in digital format and formerly known as Alien Fear.En the game we will be a well-trained elite commando for a vision of sabotage against a dangerous alien race. In the action game will give us the truce, the document oriented cooperative enjoyment and will feature the Unreal Engine 3 for its visuals. "Alien Rage will set a new standard for digital titles and Xbox Live Arcade PlayStation Network ", declare their charge on a game that will have a presence at E3 this year and it still has not closed lanzamiento.Más date news: Alien Rage, City InteractiveAngry Birds have their own movie July 1 2016Los creators of the hit Angry Birds, Rovio team has confirmed that the 3D animated film based on the popular franchise will be released in theaters worldwide on July 1 2016.La film is provided by the team itself development and Sony Pictures Entertainment, which will be the distributor of the film. The project also assists the executive producer of Iron Man, David Maisel, and Despicable producer John Cohen. "Any study Angry Birds would love to add to his list of tapes. Few titles that generate this kind of excitement, awareness brand and have built a large audience, "said the CEO of Sony Pictures, Michael Lynton.Más news: Angry birds, PC RovioAnunciado a port of Final Fantasy VIII related HDImágenes key (3) Final Fantasy VIII will review in HD to PC key to appear in Japan, and currently has no release announced for the West, although it seems that could be confirmed in the near future according to some fuentes.El website Kotaku has been commissioned to gather the information, ensuring that it is committed to high resolution graphics of this game of 2000 which enjoyed a reception with views encontradas.Más News: Final Fantasy & Wario concrete VIIIGame some new Nintendo DirectLa the Japanese company Nintendo has announced some interesting releases for Wii U Nintendo expected Direct dedicated to your video game console, but also had space to detail some features of Game & Wario. "Set includes 16 games that use the GamePad in different ways," he detailed Nintendo during the event. "Among the new games that have come to light include: Islands, which allows players (two to five) throw small creatures called Fronks on floating islands to get points, Patchwork, a puzzle game that tests the ability to recognize patterns of the players, and Kung Fu game in which players must help Young Cricket to advance through the levels using the front view of the television screen and overhead view of the GamePad. "Following this link you can check Iwata Asks in which creative speech with some of the

