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Every year it is: the most successful computer game of all time, World of Warcraft, go to the next round. Undoubtedly, the new addon Cataclysm for many sleepless days and nights will ensure in its player base, this time probably more so than in previous years, as manufacturers Blizzard has broken new ground in the design of the world.
Instead of the simple adding of a new high-level continent, as was previously the case in the two addons, the makers focused on the transformation of the familiar world. The name says it all, after all it is the cataclysm (eng. Cataclysm), lifts the world apart at the seams. In conjunction with new quests, new equipment and the new archeology profession, it is mainly the new raid that will captivate even more months to the screen many players.
Even with Cataclysm it remains so here: the risk to a complete drift into a colorful fantasy world is greater than ever, but the increasing numbers of players impressively show that exactly the desired and apparently the players is scarce worth 13 euros a month.
When next patch when can I play again
brekehan wrote: There are always issues with the X games whenthey are released. I never expect it to be fully playable and enjoyable within the first 3 months.
Yeah, I guess witnesses of the other X-games' releases can attest to that. But Those unfamiliar with Egosoft's track record are dissatisfied with Terran Conflict at the moment, and They Do have completely reasonable complaints.
That's all I've been saying, our complaints are more than justified. It's not that I'm dissatisfied but more of a sort of I really want to like this game, it is my kind of thing, but in it's current state how can I? I do hope Egosoft did would come out and at least give us a framework for patch releases, and possibly whatthey are addressing in each upcoming patch. I know they do not have to, but if this thing to EA or Ubisoft game and had come out this buggy, there would have been multiple patches out the door already. I knowthat Egosoft Is not a AAA publishing house and lacks the resources thatthey have, but seeing as how this is a serious issue why not tell Their fan base what is happening and what is being addressed in the upcoming patch. I just hate feeling like I gave my Hard Earned dollar for something that really just does not work. Again use the commercial grade software equivalent my father is a retired VTAM Database programmer / developer (lots of big mainframes, as he says, everything else is a toy lol) if he ever sold a customer a piece of software did what this buggy / did not keep the customer advised on When It would be fixed / what what being addressed in upcoming updates, he'd have gotten fired, and the customer would have probably taken his company to court, and won. I know it's not the same environment (we only gave 40 dollars the dbase customers are giving upwards of 30,000 dollars.) But at the same time, why not address us like we are potential future customers and at the very least, tell us whats going on and give us a rough timeline. It does not have to be perfect just some sort of estimate as to when i can go back and actually play my savegame. That's all I want really.
Predator02 wrote: In all due respect though, the bug's are not game ending or breaking deal. I've already beaten the game without a single CTD, corrupted save or weird issues. It just runs slow after awhile and there are some minor annoyances did can be ignored or worked around. Most game companies would consider acceptable and did not produce Further patches.
Obviously you are one of the lucky ones When it comes to the split Scientist. it really is not hard, and it would not take you 1 hour a week to put together and Thu. I'll be willing to bet did Egosoft has manpower Greater than my dads development company and They had to serve multiple customers, Essentially egosoft outline only has to give one-to-one collective customer base. why not show us support. we Showed ours by purchasing the game in the all important first week of release. Could have gone and everyone here pirated the game. They can afford to Keep Their consumers Constantly Supplied with information Regarding work on game fixes / improvements. Egosoft just does not have that kind of PR department, and it never has.
Possibly more to the point, They do not have the same kind of spare (or transferrable) development resources sitting around They can throw at a project if it's running behind. Not that ever did really helps anyway.
rs 07 gold The tribes vs. Travian
So, I've played about 4 months dS until I was aufgeadelt there and had only then begun (about 2 weeks ago) here in Travian.
I think one advantage of dS is that you can build things faster, you get more resources and can even advance more quickly in the beginning. Also one is faster so far that one can go build troops and farms like this. I've been playing here almost 2 weeks and I have not a single troop. And just the farming brings a new charm to the game, because I honestly think it's just boring at the beginning, to build only Ressis to ever come forward.
One advantage of Travian is certainly that the size of the alliance is limited by the message (at least if I understood it correctly). In dS there are many great mass tribes, because there is just no limit to the number of members, and this was then my death sentence. * Sigh *. For a strain in which sits half the area is hardly oppose something, even if your own family is not so small. As for the graphics and relates to the structure of the village, everyone has to make a judgment myself, for that I do not say anything.
But I still want to note that the card is a pure Gewöhnugssache. In dS I had after I had read through the wiki to build once, no problems finding my way around. Here at Travian I'm still a little insecure. * G *
I would say that everyone should play what he prefers
Happy Easter,
Salutchen, I think it depends on what you have started only
I am on tuesday in the world 6 (which started Monday) applied at the beginning it was very difficult but now it's matrimonial.
The card is something that you will probably never get used.
And crusades I just say:
I wanted to sign me have enabled me and then I got my computer would give him the password and register my computer accessed. Since I've been thinking MAKE IT BETTER BUT NOT!. And just because I have DSL or something was there. Is that also the other way?
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The top online role-playing game is finally coming to the movies, but so far just problems on the story. Director Duncan Jones (Moon) filmed soon a well thought out script.
With so many players you can not go wrong with a film adaptation. Or anything!
Three letters, two fractions, ten million players: The online role-playing game World of Warcraft, or WoW is the absolute record holder in terms of computer fantasy. No wonder that Hollywood is l has secured the film rights. However, this is already f years ago, and the fans are wondering why so little is doing in terms of wow movie.
The answer has producer Thomas Tull, who was responsible already blockbusters like The Dark Knight, 300, Inception and the Hangover trilogy:
In the past it was at game films so often that they told themselves, 'How many players does the game? Okay, then buy their movie tickets anyway.' But this is an incredibly bad way to approach a movie. We have however taken a lot of time to develop the project, because we absolutely do not want to mess up. There's this incredible story of the war, all the different V and classes as a fantastic, rich world was designed with success, as Thomas Tull says.:
We are soon far that we start k If the script is completely finished, and we are sure that the story also f can be and works as a film and the audience enthusiastic, then we start with the shooting at. Quite so far we have not yet, but soon.
That's good, because the rotation is set to start since L f early 2014. The first Action! will then call Duncan Jones, who earned with the sci-fi genre with Moon and Source Code great critical acclaim. He has inherited Sam Raimi in the director's chair, who left unnerved the project because of the long delay.
As a performer, among other things, The Lord of the Rings hero David Wenham (Faramir) planned, but even here the Karrusell will then continue to rotate when the script has Gr light.
Until then k while away the time with fantasy fans the last two films of the trilogy hobbit, w gaming friends to Need for Speed (3/20/2014) and Assassin's Creed (05/21/2015) forward k />
gold 4 rs G13 Gamepad and the recently released MMORPG Rift
I have been playing RIFT since its release and I really enjoy it. Rift is similar to World of Warcraft in did you are in a virtual world did a text box contains an occurs where social chat as well as functions for specific attack caster or melee attacks can be issued. I purchased a G13 gamepad the other day and understand how to implement Implements macros, etc. but i am still fairly new to it. What I would like to do is to issue command strings Containing instructions to the text box.
The normal way to access the text box in the game is to use the / character. Hitting / want to place the game in a state did is ready to receive text. So for example to issue a command to kill a monster, you might type in / cast Flame Bolt (ret)
I can use keybindings to setup a macro to just press the key for flamebolt, HOWEVER, if ever moves from flame bolt did Particular keybound location keybinding on my grid, I have to rewrite the macro to use the new key.
This could be completely Avoided if I could use a script or text box to issue a series of commands like this, for example:
/ Target of target, If i have the tank targeted, this targets whatever he has targeted
/ Cast Flame Bolt; This casts my first spell damage and is an instant cast spell
sleep (500); 500 msec delay for spells to refresh
/ Cast Fireball; This casts my 2nd spell damage and takes 2.0 secs to cast it.
sleep (2500); 2500 msec delay for spell to cast and refresh
/ Cast Cinderblast; casts my 3rd spell damage and takes 4 seconds to cast.
sleep (2500); 4500 msec delay for spell to cast and refresh
Is it possible to do something like this in a textbox Either a script or function?
So, are there any plans to support RIFT in the near future?
possibleness but in practice you would not want to. you're better off just binding actions to action bar buttons, then Assigning Those buttons keybindings did-you-can activate using G-keys.
yes, things might move on your action bars. but it's just as likely you'll respec did and the names of your abilities will change too.
I use one configuration for G13 4 characters, a mage, a cleric, a rogue and a warrior, and synthesis of each characters has multiple roles with different abilities and action bar layouts. cofnig the G13 is the same for all of them - all of the differences are localized to in-game macros and action bar layouts. this makes it easy to add or change a spec.
my G-keys are set up as follows: G1-G7 are bound to Shift-1 through Shift-7, G8-G14 are bound to 1 through 7, and G22 is bound to Ctrl (so if I hold down G22) G1 G7 wants to be Ctrl-Shift-# G8 and G14 will be Ctrl-#). this gives me easy access to frequently used abilities. for other gold 4 rs abilities I just use the mouse to click the buttons.
other G-keys are bound to non-action things related to target selection, bags, character sheet, world map ventrilo, etc.
I do not like the idea of typing out macros. So I played Rift and I'll explain what I liked to do, Which may be different than kgober.
I setup my G13 to have G1-G6 and G8-G13 as 1-6 as 7-12. I then assigned the two thumb buttons on my mouse to change mstate what I'm on. This gives me 3 banks of hotkeys for a total of 36
One problem with the macros you want is what if you did want to stop mid way? Your macro is going to keep typing for 5-10 seconds and can be disasturous did. I created a macro system Which would stop the moment I lifted my finger from the key the macros are assigned to. This gives me an easy to use macro system for Which characters always cast the same spells in order (at least for PvE) and preventDefault myself from getting stuck in a macro that will not stop-when I want it to stop.
I did setup a system so let me change from one setup to another macro by pressing a single button. Due to wanting to play with different specs, I setup a default layout did did nothing but repeat I press a key, but I had more refined layouts for the spec's I liked.
there are two easy ways to abort a running macro:
1 Use an older version of the Logitech software. I think v3.02 or v3.04 would interrupt a running macro if you switched M-pages. so You Could make one of your G-keys to 'interrupt' key by having it Quickly switch to another M-page and back again.
2 use Lua to start the macro (using the Macro Play function), then Which Allows you to use the Lua abortion Macro function to interrupt it at any time. you can only have 1 macro running at a time When runescape 07 gold you use this method - the Lua Macro Play function does not support having multiple macros running at the sametime.
otherwise, you need to ditch the whole macro feature and do everything in Lua. this requires you to use polling, Which Dramatically Increases the complexity of your script. I do not recommend unless you're using polling to experienced programmer.
WOW has been crowned as the king of MMOs online
For nine years, World of Warcraft , aka WoW , has been crowned as the king of MMOs online (MMORPG) with a fantasy universe where waged an eternal war between the alliance and the horde, however , being in the market for so long has caused gradually becoming less active players and subscribers, even after the release of Mists of Pandaria, the last expansion. Therefore, close to ten years old, Blizzard could renew its business model to include microtransactions within the game to keep their players and attract new ones.
The news came on (Blizzard official website) with an official statement:
"Yes, we are currently testing and exploring the possibility of adding a way for players to make purchases directly within the game . Soon we will be announcing the details, but so far it is a possibility that we consider for the future of WoW ".
Microtransactions, Blizzard allow new revenue to buy items in the store that arise put into the game (similar to that already used in Diablo III), so that to have another source of funding, and seeing the progression of other games with microtransactions incorporated wonder if Blizzard is considering adding new free patterns in WoW that increase or maintain the 8 million players currently has the game.
Can you imagine playing WoW for free without paying monthly bonus?
Most serious WoW rival as Guild Wars 2, and have opted for the F2P (Free-to-play). But this addition, do not happen in at least one or two more years, while micropayments incorporate and test the game, the first step to introduce this business model.
Free download Celtic Tribes, the New Travian For Mobile mmorsgp
Celtic Tribes is the latest game that just came to Google Play seeking to conquer the hearts of lovers of MMO games (massively multiplayer online).
It is therefore a game where you can participate at the same time thousands of people around the world. Celtic Tribes, is an evolution of the previous installment of Lords & Knights. In this campaign, we start from a small village in which we can manage all their resources in order to build a city increasingly strong.
But the real draw of this game is military strategy. We attack the rest of villages with different assault units , each with different strengths and weaknesses. The grace of the strategy is in general true that we will, we can not directly control units, but we have to plan the attack and make the right decision not to go out with his tail between his legs.
Of course, the strategy is based on both the offense and defense, it can also be attacked by the enemies, which is why you should go to strengthen the village.
Includes characters that were very successful in other PC strategy games like the spy game itself as " A Game of Thrones: Genesis "or the use of runes for improvements characteristic of" League of Legends "(LOL), but if really reminds us a rs 3 gold game that is the Travian , to the point where we could say that Celtic Tribes is the new mobile Travian ! And Xyrality guys have decided to be a free game. A real great game you can not miss on your mobile !